Level-based routing in Reaper

Level-based routing
Routing based on the incoming level

There may be times where you want to affect a signal based on its current level. Usually this requires some sort of ducking or gating on the effect itself, but using Reaper’s Routing you can do some pretty cool things.

So here, let me explain to you how to route a signal in Reaper depending on the level of that signal.

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30 days of Reaper come to an end

The 30 Days of Reaper comes to an end today. I’ve been through the worst and found some cool stuff.

If you know me, or have read any earlier blog posts you would know how much I’ve hated Reaper, and the “Reaper Users” (out in the wild at least).

So if you’ve been following my blog you may or may not be surprised at the conclusion of this, especially after my recent trials of Studio One and Cubase.

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The penultimate post of perturbances pertaining to Reaper

Not Reaper
Yeah, Screw this, I think?

This is the second to last post about my 1 month of using Reaper. As such, I’d like to cover some other things that annoy me about Reaper.

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Reaper's Amazing, and Awful, Almost Anything to Anywhere Avenues (routing)

Modulation madness!
Modulate all of the things!

Reaper has quite a routing system. It can allow for some exceptionally cool routing configurations that will leave you scratching your head the next day.

In this post I’ll be going over some of the things you can do with Reaper’s routing, and I will also discuss why it will immolate your soul and leave nothing but the charred remains to remind you of your sins.

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Pro Tools-like group editing in Reaper

DP's Track Grouping
Track Grouping in Digital Performer

If you are not familiar with how DAWs like Pro Tools and Digital Performer handle editing multiple tracks at once, let me explain:

  • You select some tracks.
  • You add them to a group
  • Optionally setup what is grouped about them (DP has fantastic options for this)

Now when you make an edit to a single track that is in an active group, the same edit happens to everything else in that group. Groups can be turned on/off at will quite easily.

Reaper does things quite differently, and I find it to be a pain. But there’s a workaround (more like an alternate workflow) that I think is better in some case…

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My Reaper Settings


Reaper Settings are now here

I will retain old settings in an archived location that I will denote here when appropriate.

Changes, Changes

I decided to split out my Reaper settings in to its own blog post. I will be keeping this up to date everytime I change something.

I will also be adding my Radial Menu, Contextual Toolbars and anything else I see fit here. It will be labeled with the last update as well.


Last Updated - 2021 February 07

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Don't fear the Reaper


I’m 20 days in to my 30 days with Reaper.

In the last 5 days, my time spent in each DAW as a percentage, according to Time Sink has been:

  • Reaper - 99%
  • DP - 1%

I am actually getting along with Reaper very nicely now. It’s not required much customization, but a lot of learning about what can be done. In this post I’m going to go over some of the things that I’ve changed that really improved the experience for me.

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DAW Chart v4

Interesting conclusions

UPDATE: Please see the new DAW Feature Chart for more up-to-date information and a way cooler chart.

As you may know, I’ve spent a lot of time in Reaper lately.

My time spent in each DAW as a percentage, according to Time Sink has been:

  • Reaper - 91%
  • Studio One - 3%
  • DP - 5%
  • Renoise - 2%

There may be a bit of a rounding error there ;) Again… Let’s discuss how things have gone some more though…

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Things that I really dislike about Reaper

That's it!

Reaper isn’t all roses and sunshine. Even though it’s chocked full of neat features and more, there’s some ugly warts.

I’m going to go through the things that have really bothered me in my Reaper demo thusfar…

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Things that I really like about Reaper


I’ve been using Reaper for about 1 week now. If you follow my blog then you May know how much I hate Reaper. I couldn’t even muster the discipline last time to go through with trying it.

This time I getting there though. So if you click-through, then you’ll find a pretty sizeable list of some cool stuff that Reaper offers.

(You can expect the vitriolic post to follow soon enough though… this has been a tremendously painful piece of software to figure out.)

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