Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday to me!

Sharpening about

Temp setup

Aftermath of trying out some freehand 25° bevel honing on some Neiko Chisels. I’m using Shapton Kuromaku stones at #320, #1000, #5000, #8000, #12000. Stones are flattened with a DMT Dia-Sharp Coarse and I use HoneRite Gold on the #8000 and #12000 stones to reduce oxidation.

I returned my Narex Classic Bevel-Edge Chisels to Lee Valley due to unusually poor edge retention. They accepted the return 3 months out of the return period and after a reasonable amount of use. Very classy.

So for now, all I have are these very cheap Irwin Marples OEM/rip-offs to play with. And play with them I shall…

The Great DAW Neurosis

Brain melting breakdown over tools

UPDATE: Please see the new DAW Feature Chart for more up-to-date information and a way cooler chart.

If you’ve been following this blog then you’d know that I recently tried 2 DAWS as my 1-month thing. Trying Cubase has been a harrowing experience that has made me rethink using Digital Performer.

Since it was very difficult for me to decide, given how great of a product Cubase is, I went ahead and did a methodical test and rating of both DAWs. I analyzed my projects to figure out what features I used most frequently, mildly and rarely. I looked at features of various DAWs that I thought were nice and considered those as well.

I then created a number of tests and attempted them multiple times with varying circumstances in each DAW. I wrote down a rating, relative to each DAW’s capability. Results were weighted and tallied.

Click through to read more about the tests, ratings and other commentary.

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And the winner is.

The standing champion and winner

Digital Performer 9.

I’m sticking with it as I feel it’s the best solution for me.

A much more detailed post coming soon! I’ve put A LOT of work in to this.

Yo, I'll tell you what I want, what I really really want

Using a product like Cubase has really had my mind turning. The idea of having to deeply learn a new program as well as I know DP (or PT or SAW) is painful. There is also the fact that Cubase has its own weaknesses in areas that interest me.

So to help gather my thoughts, I thought that I should make a list of some nice things that would make the ideal DAW for me. It only makes sense to list the ‘dealbreakers’ as well.

So here we go!

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Digital Performer 9.1 Latency Test

The hookups

Recently MOTU released Digital Performer 9.1 and one of the major enhances was advertised to be reduced latency in OS X with “industry-leading overall latency performance.”

I was very skeptical of this. There’s certain physical realities that can’t be overcome without some sort of misadvertising. So what do we do? We test it!

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Cubase 8.5 vs. Digital Performer 8.5

No pictures today, just words.

Currently I’m still going back and forth about switching from DP 9 to Cubase 8.5. I really enjoy Cubase so far, however there’s a few things that have me reconsidering.

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Issues with Cubase 8.5

Inline editor fails

It’s already been over a month now and soon I will be making a decision. Will I switch from Digital Performer to Cubase? A few more posts first…

Over time I’ve discovered some things about Cubase that are particularly annoying. A couple of them are nearly dealbreakers. Particularly the lack of Polar. In this post I will cover a handful of things that I’ve found to be bothersome.

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Walnut Combs

All stacked up

Some hand-carved combs I made out of Peruvian Walnut and Kauri.

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More features I like in Cubase 8.5

PLE in action

I’ve been slack with the Cubase posts. I was planning on writing a post about the things that bother me, but there’s basically nothing so far! The only exception is the lack of multi-track freewarping.

So I’m going to once again go over some features that I like.

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