Update Bee
This week I’ve updated some site features:
- Visual Assets - I commissioned ToriBearArt to make some new branding assets for me. The first is shown above. It’s a more complex rendition for larger format media. Some variations are in the works. I will be integrating the new branding over time, because I’m not a big fan of “relaunches” or “rebranding”. I’ll be making incremental changes and reacting to reader/viewer feedback as I go.
- Themes - I built support for multiple themes, with an indicator of the current theme. I choose ‘cycling’ between themes because I hate menus.
- WHITE theme added.
- Adjusted text color for dark theme.
- Various backend updates for my own sanity.
- DAW Feature Chart updated.
- Latest Versions
- FL Modularity
- Project Navigation->Information Hiding
- Arranging category added
- Project Navigation->Arrangement Tools moved to Arranging.
- Added -
- Time
- Harmony
- Sequencing
- Key
- CAKEWALK REMOVED - I have no desire to continue evaluating this software.
- Reaper Script Showcase - Fixed some bad links and anchors.
- Added Fast FX Finder
- Added Wayback
- Added Import Session Data
- Added Quick Adder v2
- Note - I tried about a dozen new scripts, and many of them didn’t work on macOS. It feels like the REAPER scripting community is becoming more OS-dependent by the day.
- FreeBees - New FreeBees!
- Added LVC-Meter
- Drafts! - I’ve put work into 50-75% completed drafts of articles for periods when I’m feeling unwell, need a break, etc…
- Navbar adjusted to be cleaner.
These updates took approximately 25 hours, not including time on new drafts.