Patreon is Live!

Nothing fancy here, but I’ve setup a Patreon since I’ve been asked about it so many times.

I’ll be keeping the Patreon page up-to-date and pursuing this idea. Nothing else on the site will change, except possibly more content when Patreon goals are met.

The paypal donation is still live as well. You can just click the DONATE! link in the upper right to get both options.

(New 30 days post coming soon! 🍎 🖥 🎶 hint hint)

30 Days without Fabfilter products - The Conclusion

Some choices I've made

So a little over a month ago, I decided to not use any Fabfilter products for 30 days. I felt like I rely on them perhaps too heavily.

This post is to help wrap this up and show my conclusions. I’ll discuss if there’s any products I felt were superior for my uses, if there’s any products I found a new respect for, and if I feel that the fabfilter option is simply the best in its class.

I won’t be talking about the sound quality of these products unless there’s some exceptional aspect of them worth mentioning. I think it goes without saying that I wouldn’t choose a product that I feel is sonically inferior.

Let’s do this.

note: Pro-L 2 came out the day I released this, so it’s not considered.

p.s.: Next 30 days is coming soon… 🍎

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QA with Adrian Alexander, A&R rep, of Elliptical Sun Recordings

Q&A with Adrian Alexander

Recently on the EDM Production discord that I help administrate, I held a Q&A with Adrian Alexander, A&r rep, of Elliptical Sun Records. Specifically we discussed A&R and the music industry.

Click through for the whole Q&A as I’ve transcribed it.

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Reaper macro controls, the cool way

Macro Knobs(sliders) in Reaper! (video)

Have you ever wanted to control many controls with one control? Automate many parameters with a single track?

Are you using Reaper?

Then this is the blog post for you! I’m going to walk you through the process of creating easy macros in Reaper with a very flexible and quick method.

Previously I have covered a similar method. I suggest checking that out as well for more ideas. Or you may want to check out one of my other wacky posts about routing in Reaper

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Run LV2 plugins on macOS

x42 Equalizer in Studio One 3

There’s some awesome LV2 plugins out there for Macs, like the X42 plugins. Not everyone uses an LV2 host on macOS, but many people do use VST hosts. Even though mac-compatible LV2s, especially with GUIs, are rare, it’s likely that increased user interest will generate increased developer support.

If you end up using an LV2 and enjoy it, please contact the developer and let them know that you appreciate their work!

So here’s a short tutorial on how to use lv2vst to wrap your LV2 plugins to VST!

First will be a run-down for moderately experienced users/developers. Then I’m going to assume that you are on 10.11+ and have a bare-bones installation and know basically nothing.

This is written in my typical style rather than in a documentation format. This is not documentation. This is a how-to. If you have any questions, please post them in the comments.

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A tale of amazing customer interaction - Sonimus

Sonimus EQ
StonEQ 4k

Recently Sonimus released StonEQ 4K which is an SSL 4k series EQ emulation.

I bought it.

If you read my most recent post about what I want in an EQ, you might be confused. Why did I purchase an EQ that has only what I do not want and none of the features that I do want?

Read more to find out.

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What do I want in an EQ (and some tricks!)

Small Selection of products

While doing my 30 days without Fabfilter I’ve realized just how great of an EQ that Fabfilter Pro-Q 2 really is.

I haven’t yet found anything that does everything that it does, and does it as well. Apqualizr 2 is an excellent alternative with its own unique strengths, but for every feature it has that Pro-Q 2 does… Pro-Q 2 has an equally valuable feature that Apqualizr is missing.

There’s many alternatives. Rather than go through the products themselves, I thought I’d take some time to explain exactly what I am looking for in an EQ at a high-level. I’m ignoring some more esoteric things and sticking largely to things that impact my workflow directly.

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Adam A7 switch and fuse replacement

Take it apart
A7 front panel removed

I love my Adam A7 monitors, but they have a known issue with the power switches ‘locking’ in the on or off position. This happened to me and the fuse also blew. I know this is a simple repair, but I thought I’d browse the web and see if anyone has explained how to do it. I found nothing except some somewhat poor videos on the topic.

So I’m going to walk you through the process step-by-step.

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DAW Feature Chart Update!

Chart Update

I’ve updated the DAW Feature Chart with some big rating changes. Mixbus is finished for V4.2. I added a couple new categories as well. Reaper was lowered in some areas (oh no!).

I also updated all of the old DAW Chart posts with a link to the new version.

All of the categories/sections have links that link to an explanation of what that rating considers.

If you have any suggestions or questions about ratings, please leave a comment or e-mail me. Thank you!

Cleaning Moongels or nipple covers, and alternatives (to the moongels)

Messed up moongels
I hope your moongels never look like this, but if they do...

Moongels are awesome products for damping the resonant ringing on drums. The downside is that they are surprisingly expensive (about $2usd each pad) and drums are a dirty environment. The stickiness of them deteriorates over time and they lose their usefulness.

Recently I was cleaning my moongels, which I’ve been using for about 16 years, and I thought, “I wonder how other people do this?”. It turns out that I could find no information on that. Since I think 16 years is a pretty good run with the same set of moongels, perhaps my method is sufficient.

So in this post I’m going to help you find alternatives to Moongels and show you how to clean moongels to a like-new state so that they can be re-used time and time again.

p.s. This whole process works great on polyurethane and silocone Nipple Covers. The sort of thing women use for modesty or anyone uses to avoid chaffing. Just substitute ‘moongel’ for ‘nipple cover’ and you’re in business. It works great on both.

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