This week I’ve done a number of updates to the DAW Chart.
- Updated the FAQ
- I primarily use Cubase, Logic and Digital Performer. I haven’t used REAPER seriously since V6 was released.
- Note Ease of use section in “Why is Ableton Live rated so low?”
- Ease of Use - Added category and following sub-categories.
- Software Defaults removed. Rolled into the above categories.
- FLStudio updated for:
- Scripting +3 - New Feature added
- Themability +1 - New Feature added
- Logic
- Stability +1 - Zero crashes with Logic in 2020 despite approximately 400 hours of wide ranging use.
- Step Sequencing +6 - New Feature added
- Clip Launching +7 - New Feature added
- Included Synth Plugins, many other products -1 (Logic was already 10)
- Bitwig
- Included Effects Plugins +1 - New EQ and Saturator Added
- MIDI FX +1 - Arp updates, Selector Modes
- MIDI Tools +2 - Selector Modes
- Modularity, all other products -1 (Bitwig was already 10) - Grid additions in 3.1 and 3.2.
- Live
- Customer Support +6 (I’ve had multiple fantastic experiences with Ableton lately.)
- Waveform
- Manual -2 - Waveform 11 released with no updated manual
- Community Support -2 - 3 poor experiences when asking questions with my anonymous account in 2020.
- Bug Reporting +1 - New crash/bug reporting tool.
- Changelogs -1 - No major version changelogs.
- Bias (Larger numbers indicate less bias, positive numbers indicate potential unavoidable bias)
- Preference - Waveform +5, Pro Tools +1, FLStudio +4, Live +10
- Waveform 11 disappointing
- Pro Tools moving slowly
- FLStudio’s frustrating Event Editor
- Live unrecoverably corrupted two projects and all backups! (No other files affected on the system)
- Connections - Waveform +3, Mixbus -1
- Haven’t spoken with Waveform team in a while.
- Continue to have great discussions with members of Mixbus/Ardour team on various levels.
- Frustration - REAPER +7, Studio One +40, Live +20
- REAPER 6 not working properly on my system despite the bug report being seen.
- S1 and Live should have been rated as extremely frustrating for me.
- Community Interactions - REAPER + 5, Digital Performer -4, Studio One +2, Bitwig +2, Waveform +4
- REAPER community has been more coarse than usual. 3/4 interactions on my anonymous account have been poor.
- DP’s Motunation has been chiller and more helpful in 2020.
- Studio One’s forums continue to be disappointing and fanboyish.
- Bitwig’s Discord server is run poorly. Strange rules that are enforced without thought. Very annoying.
- Waveform’s forums have been less useful and more harsh recently.
- Preference - Waveform +5, Pro Tools +1, FLStudio +4, Live +10
I also added these update posts to an “Updates” category.
This update took approximately 47 hours to notate, refine, discuss with a variety of experienced users and repeat that whole process a few times :)