Just a quick update - I’ve been dealing with Cluster Headaches (which I’ve written about before) and prodrome/postdrome symptoms for 2 weeks. I’ve been extremely sensitive to sound and light, and haven’t even touched an instrument or DAW in that time.
My wife covered the windows in aluminum foil and I managed to sit on my laptop (with minimum brightness, viewing at an angle) to get a variety of coding tasks done both for this site and elsewhere. Eventually you learn to work in bursts and keep notes, and it’s a great way to stay sane.
However, there’s been no music, woodworking or anything worth writing about. Nor have I been able to finish any of the 75%+ complete articles I have in my backlog. Worry not though, there is content coming.
These sequences of headaches shouldn’t last too long, and I’ve had 6-8 hour symptom free periods for the last two days, so I’m hoping that’s it for at least a few months.
Not looking for sympathy or even concern. I can cope, and everyone around me is awesome (especially my wife). I did have a number of people that were concerned about my absence from the admiralbumblebee realm and I wanted to “check-in”.
p.s. Yes I’ve been to the doctor. I’ve tried the bevy of mainstream and alternative medicines. If you want to suggest something then feel free. I’m open to discussion.